Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year for many families. But especially with small children, the festive mood can quickly turn into stress. I can really speak from experience with 3 small children. After a very stressful Christmas in 2022, my wife and I took these simple tips and tricks to heart and lo and behold, Christmas 2023 was much more relaxed and we want to take these tips into account again for the upcoming Christmas 2024 in order to experience the most harmonious and relaxed Christmas possible.
1. Plan early
Christmas comes surprisingly quickly every year. To avoid stress levels soaring, early planning is essential. Make a list of the gifts that need to be bought, plan the holidays and think about which traditions are really important to you. Well thought-out planning gives you security and ensures that all tasks can be completed on time.
2. Simplicity before perfection
Not everything has to be perfect! Children love simple things. A small, homemade gift or an imperfect but lovingly decorated Christmas decoration can bring just as much joy as expensive decorations or elaborate gifts. Let the children help with the decorations - even if the baubles hang crookedly, in the end it's the time spent together that counts.
3. Create rituals
Rituals give children security and create a relaxed atmosphere. Whether it's the daily Advent calendar, baking cookies or watching a Christmas film together - such recurring activities create beautiful memories and strengthen the family feeling. You can also introduce your own rituals that are a perfect fit for your family.
4. Actively involve children
Children love to be involved. They don't just want to watch, they want to be involved themselves. Give your children simple tasks, like setting the table or wrapping small presents. This will make them feel valued and the joint preparation will be more fun for everyone.
5. Plan relaxation breaks
Especially during the Christmas season, events often happen very quickly - from Christmas parties to visiting relatives. Make sure to plan breaks for your family. On these days, you can do crafts, read aloud or simply relax. Children need periods of rest in between to process the excitement of the holidays.
6. Keep expectations realistic
Parents and children often have high expectations of Christmas - and this can cause stress. Don't expect everything to go smoothly. Whether it's a spilled glass of juice or a fight between siblings - these things are just part of it. Take it easy and remember that Christmas is, above all, a time of love and togetherness.
7. Pay attention to the needs of the children
Children react differently to the stimuli and excitement of the Christmas season. Some children can handle the many impressions well, others quickly become overwhelmed. Pay attention to how your children are feeling and adjust the activities accordingly. A quiet afternoon at home can sometimes be more valuable than a stressful trip to the Christmas market.
8. Give time instead of things
Instead of focusing on material gifts, you can also give the children time. Shared experiences are often remembered much longer than the latest toy. An afternoon in the woods, a visit to the zoo or simply a games evening at home - such moments create intense bonds and make Christmas a special time.
9. Keep calm yourself
Children sense their parents' mood. If you are stressed yourself, this will also be passed on to the little ones. So take time out for yourself to calm down. A relaxing bath, a good cup of tea or a walk can work wonders.
Conclusion: Experience the magic of Christmas together
With a little planning, realistic expectations and plenty of time together, Christmas with children can be an unforgettable experience. It's not about staging the perfect celebration, but about enjoying time with loved ones and creating unforgettable memories.